Best quality ensured by automated testing

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Be confident in your software

In Codeweaver we take great emphasis on making sure that we can measure the quality of our products. We know that this ability keeps us efficient as developers and it becomes more and more important while the complexity of our software rises.

Being able to verify how our constant changes affects the quality of the software, brings the confidence that everything works as intended and that it would not break in the future.

We have different tools at our disposal

Unit testing

Fast, automated, well maintained. The foundation of any test suit

Integration testing

Making sure your software is working as a whole

Acceptance testing

Verifies if functional criteria are fulfilled from a user standpoint

Performance testing

Be sure your system works as expected  in real life usage scenario

Test automation

The best way to improve your time to market

Incorporating different kinds of testing in our automated release process let us assure quality by making it an integral part of the software development cycle. It’s the key in reducing time to market to the absolute minimum, when we can deliver high quality software in a matter of hours.

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